Hello any reader who may be out there! I write this mostly to just get some thoughts down.
It's been a wild couple of years here in the Bailey home. 2 baby boys, a lot of change at work, and just plain stinkin busy just trying to keep the basics in order in life. I saw a step backwards at work, and a great blessing in our living situation, renting this huge, nicely updated home we're now in. With all the emotional and other ups and downs, I've rarely had time to truly connect with my God and Savior. I've scarcely felt this sort of crazy upheaval in my life, and it has tempted me to freeze up, or hide, or what have you. There's little that could have prepared me for the many things we have seen and been through of late, including this 2 months long cough the little ones have had, which has often brought on their throwing up from the coughing and stuff. My sweet Kelly has been taxed to the limit, but has amazingly managed to keep the home running and me and the kids happy. I pray for some relief for the sickness soon, and a return to some kind of normalcy. Funny how you have to get older first to have more kids, when you feel least the energy to properly parent and shepherd them all!
It's through all this that I am learning more and more that I need the indwelling power of God's Holy Spirit. I look sometimes at my natural limitations and wonder how I can ever do more than survive. Lord, open my eyes to see, and ears to hear, what you have for me and my family to accomplish in this season of our life, and may the vision be so compelling as to cause us to press into you, to trust you, to cause us to rise up with wings as eagles and run the race unhindered by sin and unbelief! We need you Jesus! You are faithful, and your gifts and calling are without repentance. May we embrace our cross with joy, believing in the glory of the recompense of the reward of our faithfulness.
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